Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another crazy weekend!

As this weekend comes to a close, I still am catching up and posting about last weekend. Last weekend was action packed and fun filled! Here we are at the Memorial Day Parade! We all enjoyed it, but it was too hot and we were all exhausted from the heat after it was over. Christina slept through the whole thing, which was great because I got to sit and enjoy the parade. Michael loved watching all the cars and trucks go by and seeing the marching bands.
This is a great picture of Poppy with all the grandkids. I told him that it was because of him that they are all here. None of them would be possible without his marriage to Jean and all of his kids being born. That is quite an accomplishment!!!

And we can't forget Bella's 5th birthday party. Fun was had by all. She got lots of great gifts. Her favorites were the Zhu Zhu pets and Barbie mermaid movie. She got alot of money for her birthday too. I took her out today and she bought a Nintendo DS with her money and two games for it too. She is very excited that she has a DS like big brother Andrew.

Vince and I also got to attend Greg and Kim's wedding, thanks to the kindness of Michele for babysitting. We took Christina to the wedding with us, and she was an angel. It was great to get out and get all dressed up. It was nice to have the whole family together to celebrate on this happy occasion.
This weekend went by way too quickly too. It seems like there is never enough time to stop and enjoy my beautiful family. I really have to try and slow down and enjoy the kids while they are little. I know I will turn around and they will be all grown up too quickly.

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